This is a carving iconography, which was inserted in the 8th Volume of the Latin edition of the Petit Voyages by Johann Theodor de Bry(1561- 1623) and Johann Israel de Bry(1565-1609), which was published in 1607, and was a translation of the original edition in Germany in 1606. It's commonly thought that this iconography was produced by Theodor de Bry(1528-1598), who was the father of the aforesaid two de Brys. However this details lacks evidence. The title of the iconography 'Amacao' is the transliteration of the Chinese '亞馬港” or '亞(阿)媽港”. This iconography shows the panorama of Macao with the view of airscape. And it can be called as the first topographical drawing of Macao. Topographical is a kind of documentary painting to deliver the scene of places over the world visually by the painters in the Age of Discovery. This topographical drawing shows the appearance of Macao in the early period of its port opening. In 1557 Canton officials permitted the Portuguese to settle in Macao and build there, which is considered to be the beginning of the city of Macao. After that, Macao soon became a strategic stronghold in the Far East for Europeans. The Macao peninsula on the map is surrounded by the sea on three directions, and on the left there is a pass which connects the land of Xiangshan county, with farm labors nearby. There are many western style buildings on the peninsula, most of them with the triangle roof, some other tall buildings with tine roofs. Churches, bell towers, barracks, shops and houses are faintly discernible. A city is primarily created. The streets between the buildings are busy with persons who are walking, or riding a horse, or taking a sedan chair. And some person was followed with a servant holding up an umbrella for him. The coastline is curved and there are several vessels anchored in the sea, and between which and the docks there are shuttling junks. All above show the scenery of a very busy seaport city.


[1]. 金國平. (2015). 關於《亞馬港全圖》的若干考證. 海洋史研究, 第八輯. 北京:社會科學文獻出版社.

[2]. 湯開建. (2004). 《委黎多報效始末疏》箋正. 廣州:廣東人民出版社, p.21.

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Data de atualização: 2019/02/20