In the fiftieth year of Emperor Kangxi's reign (1711), the Imperial Censor Fan Shaozuo submitted a memorial to the throne and claimed that heresies of the Catholic missionaries in China, had been influencing people, and should thus be banned within the whole nation. Under such circumstance, three missionaries in Beijing, Joseph Suarez, Bernard-Kilian Stumpf and Dominique Parrenin petitioned to the Emperor for explanation and protection. The first letter was the manuscript copy of the memorial. Emperor Kangxi transferred the issue to the Ministry of Rites. The second letter was thus part of the memorial from the Ministry of Rites to the throne after the investigation, with part of the text missing as follows: “禮部為妄立異教、惑眾誣民等事” (The Ministry of Rites has investigated the issue of Catholicism spreading among Chinese people and enthralling the public as a foreign religion). The memorial cited Censor Fan Shaozuo's submission and defied it with a reference to Emperor Kangxi's royal ordinance made in the thirty-first year of Kangxi, in which the Emperor had praised the westerners' contributions on making calendar and the military weapons, thus the evangelism had been approved by the emperor as well. Hence, Catholicism was justified of not being harmful to the national security. The memorial suggested that those foreigners who had the permission issued by the Internal Affairs had the freedom to walk around and settle down in the territory of China, while those who hadn't, were not allowed to live in mainland China and should move to Macao and stay there. The solution was approved by Emperor Kangxi and thus the further accusation to the missionaries was avoided.

Joseph Suarez was a Portuguese Jesuit, who arrived in Macao in 1680. He was appointed as the Vice-provincial, the superior general of Jesuit China Missions from the year of 1707 to 1711. Bernard-Kilian Stumpf was a German Jesuit, who arrived in Macao in 1694 and came to Beijing in the following year. The Emperor Kangxi praised him for his proficiency in mathematics and astronomy. Dominique Parrenin was a French Jesuit, who arrived in Macao in 1698. He was summoned to Beijing to teach Emperor Kangxi about the western knowledge, and also served as diplomatic interpreter and translater. He petitioned Emperor Kangxi to allow the missionaries to survey and make the map of 'Huang Yu Quan Lan Tu' (Complete Map of the Empire of the Kangxi Era).


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Data de atualização: 2019/02/20